Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Seeking new Game

So, what games are people playing now-a-days?  I'm currently revisiting TF2, both regular and dodgeball modes are lots of fun to me.  Still playing a bit of LoL, though I'm cutting back a bit (a loss streak really upset me because I know that most of them were just due to bad allies.  I'm being much more selective about who I play with now).  SC2 I barely touch anymore.  But that's about it for multiplayer stuff.  I had considered picking up DungeonSiege 3, but a bad review from Penny-Arcade made me hold off.  So I'm looking for something else that I can play with friends.

In singleplayer land, I rolled through Mass Effect 2 rather quickly once I was done with Arhkam Assylum and am still working on Valkyrie Profile 2 (console games always take me longer).  ME2 was a spectacular game.  It's major flaw is that it was too short.  I found it much more reminiscent of the Baldur's Gate series in terms of overarching RPG progression than say...Dragon Age which was a horrible let-down.
You have a starting "break out" mission.  Collect a team, and go face the big bad.  Part way through you can earn loyalty (or lose it) and advance inter-character interactions.  And by collect, you actually had to fight your way through mobs to prove your worth to your soon-to-be allies.  While Dragon Age, you were pretty much spoon fed your party members.  Never really having to prove yourself.  And so long as you didn't take the blatant "I hate you" actions the party members wouldn't leave.

Mass Effect 2 really deserves its own write up, which I don't have time for at the moment. But in closing, I would like to say that it's only real flaw is that it was too short and lacked the same depth in terms of world exploration.

At any rate, I've been looking for a new game to play.  Multiplayer preferably.  I am open to suggestions.

Current Games and Projects:
Computer: League of Legends
Computer: StarCraft 2
Computer: Team Fortress 2
Console: Valkyrie Profile 2 (PS2)
LARP: Live Effects (Wyrd, Veil, Lanaque, Messina, & others)
LARP: TwinMask
LARP: Fighter Practice (El Segundo)
Book: Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi (on hold)

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